วันอังคารที่ 28 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Restoring Balance With Progesterone Cream

Women often think of menopause as a long process that unfolds over several years. However, it is actually a point in time reached when 12 full months have passed without a menstrual cycle. The word, "perimenopause" defines the years leading to actual menopause. Perimenopause begins much earlier than you may expect, typically between your mid 30's and late 40's. Since the average age of menopause is 51, this symptomatic time of fluctuating hormones can span many years and be quite challenging.

About 5 - 15 years before menopause, women experience seemingly normal cycles, however ovulation has not actually occurred. Known as anovulatory cycles, the body does not produce progesterone in the absence of ovulation. After years of working in harmony, the fine balance between estrogen and progesterone is lost, signaling the onset of perimenopause. As anovulatory cycles increase, progesterone levels continue to drop allowing estrogen to become unopposed and in excess. The world renowned Dr. John R. Lee, MD identified this as "estrogen dominance."

Estrogen dominance contributes to many symptoms during perimenopause including mood swings, reduced sex drive, weight gain, sleep disturbances, irritability, fuzzy thinking and heavy, prolonged periods. An excess of estrogen causes uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts while increasing your risk for breast, ovarian and uterine cancers. In younger women, estrogen dominance is linked to endometriosis and Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) causing infertility, while low progesterone levels are associated with early miscarriages.

Since hormones play a vital role in every woman's health and well-being, restoring balance is essential.
In the past, women looked to hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to achieve hormonal balance and prevent age and hormone related health conditions. However, between them, synthetic estrogen and progestins have 120 possible risks and side effects. HRT not only fails to provide the heart and bone health benefits promised, research shows that these synthetic hormones promote breast, ovarian and uterine cancer, and cause blood clots, strokes and high blood pressure.

The most healthy, natural way to restore hormonal balance is by replenishing healthy progesterone levels with bio-identical, USP progesterone cream. The term bio-identical refers to progesterone that undergoes a special laboratory process, making it identical to the progesterone naturally produced in the body. When
applied topically, bio-identical progesterone cream absorbs directly into the blood stream. It safely and effectively nurtures the entire endocrine system, has a calming effect on the nervous system, and maintains the proper function of other vital hormones and every organ in your body.

Known as the "master hormone," progesterone is the only hormone that has the ability to convert into other hormones as needed, taking the guesswork out of achieving balance. The adaptogenic way that progesterone identifies and responds to the specific needs of your unique body is amazing. It boosts testosterone levels to revitalize your sexual energy, and as estrogen levels begin to drop, it stimulates estrogen receptors to help prevent bone loss, heart disease, memory loss and other health conditions associated with estrogen deficiency.

Not all bio-identical progesterone creams are created equal. Many don't provide an adequate amount of progesterone and some utilize ingredients known to be carcinogenic and disruptive to the endocrine system. It is important to remember that what you put on your skin goes directly into your bloodstream. Organic Excellence offers the purest, highest quality progesterone cream available in the marketplace.

Chemical and fragrance free with the added benefits of certified organic herbs, the Organic Excellence
Progesterone Creams are formulated to meet the strict criteria outlined in Dr. Lee's best-selling book, "What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause" and contain approximately 500 mg. of USP progesterone per ounce.

We offer two different progesterone creams to meet your specific needs. Most women find our Progesterone Cream WITHOUT phytoestrogens highly effective during PMS, perimenopause and menopause. For menopausal and post-menopausal women experiencing multiple hot flashes each day, our Progesterone Cream WITH Phytoestrogens is a great choice for safe and effective relief.

To learn more about the Organic Excellence progesterone creams, request our informative Q&A at: organicexcellence@gmail.com

Organic Excellence features a line of 100% chemical free products including facial care, shampoo and conditioner, joint cream and hormonal balancing products for women in perimenopause and menopause. Please visit: http://www.OrganicExcellence.com and sign up for our free monthly newsletter.

Medical Disclaimer: This information is not intended to be a substitute for the advice, diagnosis or treatment of a medical professional. If you suspect the possibility of any physical or psychological disorder, please seek expert medical care.

วันเสาร์ที่ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Golf Tips on Driving the Golf Ball

Hitting the golf ball off of a stationary tee is one of the most difficult skills to learn. That is why using a higher lofted club like a 2 or 3 wood is much easier to hit than a driver or 1 wood.

A smaller headed club with a larger club face degree will elevate the golf ball much quicker, and with more control than a larger club head with less degree. For those who feel they have mastered the game of golf will obviously tell you how important it's to get that extra distance off the tee when shooting lower scores.

As the golf courses are getting much more challenging and longer with distances. It becomes even more important you find the right kind of driver that feels most comfortable to you and has the features that will help improve your golf swing.

It's important to develop control and maximum tempo/timing in order to distribute maximum distance. Otherwise, it becomes much more difficult to shoot good scores and your always being faced with longer approach shots into the greens.

Here is a few tips that can help you to hit this club farther and straighter:Learn to trust your golf swing on the golf course.

Most golfers when trying to hit their drives will tense up and over swing. By trying to swing as hard as possible and using as much energy as possible will lose power overall. Resulting in all kinds of bad mishits and lost yardage. Instead relax and swing within yourself. By keeping balanced and under control you will have a much more natural free golf swing.

Focusing on making solid contact you'll find that launching the golf ball with the right kind of trajectory and swing speed that the ball will travel much farther and straighter. This can result in producing up to 30 yards plus in extra distance off the tee.

I don't believe it's important to think about your golf swing mechanics when you are playing. When you are on the golf course all of the fundamentals to a good golf swing should come natural.

Thinking about everything you should be doing becomes nothing more than just a distraction to shooting good golf scores. You do all of your analyzing on the driving range and your focusing with your next shot on the golf course. This is called golf course management.

Instead when playing you need to remain focused on your yardage and the target your aiming at. You should be focused on the target and your swing thoughts should only be in your subconscious mind. You are trusting your golf swing and developing the consistency to hit the perfect shot every time. This is where self-confidence comes into play especially when your using your driver to tee off. You must develop belief in yourself that you can clear obstacles when being confronted and that the golf ball will go exactly to the spot you have envisioned landing.

Learn to use leverage when driving the golf ball long distance. In golf it's not necessary to have big muscles to pound the ball.

It's most important to have the right tempo/timing and create the right triangle at the top and down through to your follow through.You form a triangle by having the proper golf grip and stance.(body position). A triangle is formed with your arms and shoulder width.

Concentrate on lengthening your forward (down) swing. The longer you swing the club in the forward swing, the faster the club head speed will travel when it goes through the ball. The impact of the club head and ball should be when your down swing is at it's lowest vortex. The idea of the entire golf swing is to hold on to the triangle as long as possible, and not trying to force yourself to hold on to any one angle too long.

It seldom works and results in a poor golf swing.

Your golf swing should be fluid and in constant motion. It should be an automatic back and through in one constant motion. Taking the club back slowly and shifting your weight in your hips. With your upper body coiling with your upper shoulders turning inwards.

The stored energy only to be released when you have reached the top of your back swing. Now, you release the energy making sure to have a longer follow through with your swing until your entire body (belt buckle) is facing forward towards the target.

Always try to hit the golf ball with less energy than all out muscling the golf shots. Try swinging at only 80 to 85% of maximum power. When playing later holes you'll need that extra energy to finish especially when the weather becomes unbearably hot. Swinging with all of your power will drain you and the potential for wild mishit shots goes up. Work instead on patience and persistence. Commit yourself to memory all good swing thoughts.

All great ball strikers who hit accurate tee shots will abstain from hitting with full power. These are the same golfers on the P.G.A. tour with a solid short game and great putting skills are making the most money on the tour.

This article is a recap on the importance of being able to drive the golf ball off the tee.
Website: http://www.A-Zgolfswingmechanics.com
Author: Scott E. Kowalski

วันศุกร์ที่ 24 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Menopausal Discomfort? No Sweat! A New Theory on the Cause and Prevention of Hot Flashes

Women in Fiji have it easy, at least when it comes to menopause.

We were in Fiji to study bra wearing and breast cancer, but took advantage of the opportunity of being with these non-western people to ask about the way local women experienced menopause. Margaret Mead, the famous cultural anthropologist, discovered that the discomforts young western women often associate with the "coming of age" were mostly absent for Samoan women. As medical anthropologists, we wondered if the coming "out of age" was any different for Fijian women than for those in the west who complain of various symptoms, such as hot flashes and profuse sweating.

So we asked some post-menopausal women how they experienced their menopause. The response was pretty similar from each.

"What's that?" they asked, perplexed.

We soon discovered that there is no equivalent word in Fijian for "menopause". In Fiji, when a women lives long enough to stop menstruating, she simply goes to the doctor to make sure she is not pregnant. Once she is assured this is not the case, she is happy and carefree. The lack of negative physiological and psychological effects, so troublesome for some western women, has resulted in the absence of a term to describe this time in a Fijian woman's life.

The hot flashes and profuse sweating of menopause is therefore not universal among all cultures. And in western cultures, it is not even universal among all women. While the medical literature has harped on lack of estrogen and excessive gonadotropic hormones as the most likely causes of this "pathology", the fact that most women who pass through menopause have little or no problem at all suggests that the mechanism for the reported problems must be something other than altered endocrinology post-menopause. In other words, since all women have reduced estrogen and elevated gonadotropins as they enter menopause, why do some women have troubling hot flashes and sweats, while others do not? Could there be another mechanism that has been overlooked?

Perhaps the solution lies in the way we are conceptualizing menopausal "symptoms". We already realize that many so-called "symptoms" of disease are actually the body's way to defend itself. Hence, a fever, often regarded as a symptom of illness, is actually part of the process of immune response. Coughing, vomiting, diarrhea, and nausea can also be regarded as defense mechanisms. Could hot flashes and sweats be a defense mechanism, as well?

It was this line of thinking that led us to start the Menopause Relief Project, which included a preliminary study of menopausal women with hot flashes and sweats that no treatment would cure. Here is the theory behind the study.

One of the most critical functions of the human body is to eliminate waste. We do this through several primary pathways: the lungs; the intestines; the skin; and the kidneys. One other mechanism is typically overlooked, and is only available to women. That is, elimination via menstruation and the sloughing off of the endometrium.

The purpose of the endometrium, of course, is to provide nutritional support for a fertilized ovum until the placenta develops and takes over. The endometrium lining of the uterus is rebuilt following the previous menstrual flow under the influence of estrogen and progesterone. The thickness of the endometrium increases as blood vessels and tissue proliferate, while the endometrium soaks in nutrients like a sponge. Some nutrients are secreted, while others are stored for later use.

Naturally, a highly vascular, secretory organ like the endometrium can also absorb and secrete (excrete) toxins, as well.

Meanwhile, another effect of estrogen makes toxins especially available for absorption by the endometrium. One physiological effect of estrogen is to cause salt and fluid retention, making the entire body slightly swell just prior to the commencement of the period. This essentially flushes the tissues, as the fluid cleanses the interstitial spaces. This helps remove toxins from the tissues, as the fluid travels back into the bloodstream via the lymphatic channels for toxin elimination. It is at this time that some women experience PMS, or pre-menstrual syndrome. Leg, breast and abdominal swelling are manifestations of estrogen mediated fluid retention. Depression, irritability, confusion, and fatigue, also PMS symptoms, may be related to the increase in circulating toxins released from the tissues.

As these toxins circulate in the bloodstream, some are eliminated by the kidneys, some are processed by the liver and excreted with the bile into the intestines, some are exhaled by the lungs, and some are sweated out. Many women report increased body odor and bad breath during this toxic time. Meanwhile, some toxins are absorbed by the receptive and "hungry" endometrium. If pregnancy is not achieved, the endometrium is sloughed off, eliminating the toxins with the unneeded uterine lining.

Menstruation, then, is a time of cleansing for women of childbearing age. What happens when this mechanism stops at menopause?

Clearly, if there is a reduction of one mode of elimination, the other modes must take the burden. This means that it would be important for menopausal women to move their bowels regularly, drink plenty of fluids and urinate when needed, breathe deeply, and perspire freely.

And here is where western women have trouble. Many western women, as well as men, hold in their urge to urinate or defecate. This usually has to do with the reality of modern, urban life, with few available public toilets, and with those that are available often unacceptable for use. (More on this point in a future article.) Deep breathing is difficult for women with a tight bra strapped to their chests.

As for sweating, our culture is extremely sweat-phobic. Besides the smell of sweaty armpits, there is the armpit stain on shirts and blouses to worry about. While this is not an issue for women in Fiji, who perspire freely, most western women use antiperspirants to deal with this. This may make their armpits more culturally acceptable, but it does so at the price of eliminatory efficiency.

So here we have women who are holding in their waste and impairing their ability to sweat. On top of this, they stop menstruating. The outcome is an accumulation of toxins in the body. Over time, these toxins cause irritability and moodiness. Eventually, the toxins build up to the danger point, compelling the body to take matters in its own hands, so to speak. To eliminate the toxins, the body makes itself sweat.

This, we believe, is the reason for the hot flashes. These are the body's way of jump starting a sweat. Hot flashes can happen any time, and sometimes stop for months to only start again. Could it be that the hot flashes, and the sweat response this produces, are the means to eliminating toxins that have accumulated as a result of menopause, along with a hampered toxin disposal system?

If this were the functional "purpose" of menopausal hot flashes and sweats, it follows that women could avoid the spontaneous sweats by deliberately sweating each day to eliminate the toxins. After all, the problem with hot flashes is that they happen at inconvenient times, out of the control of the woman. If she can choose the time when she wishes to eliminate toxins, it would make spontaneous sweating unnecessary, ending the hot flashes.

To test this theory, we found 10 volunteers who were menopausal, experiencing very distressing hot flashes and sweats. We asked the local YWCA to provide free passes for these women to use the sauna and steam room, and asked the volunteers to take 20 minute sweats daily, for 8 weeks. We relied on their subjective responses for the results.

By the end of the first week, 4 of the women had dropped out. They reported that they personally disliked sweating and found this form of prevention unappealing. All of these women continued to have hot flashes and spontaneous sweats.

Of the remaining 6, one could not sweat effectively, and merely overheated in the sauna. She also dropped out.

Of the remaining 5, all experienced relief by 2 weeks of daily sweats. They reported that they no longer had night sweats or hot flashes, apart from a minor blush.

We later discussed our study with an AIDS researcher who was exploring hyperthermia treatments. He said that a side effect of the hyperthermia, which caused sweating, was that it stopped AIDS patients from having night sweats.

We would like to see further research done on this, and encourage physicians to try this out with their patients. Most women can withstand the rigors of a sweat bath, but some conditions may contraindicate hyperthermia treatment, such as heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, etc. The women should also be told to replace fluids as needed, with electrolytes as well as water.

This relationship between the need to sweat and the development of hot flashes may help explain a mechanism by which estrogen replacement reduces hot flashes. Estrogen replacement regimens call for three weeks on and one week off the hormone. This causes the body to retain fluid when the estrogen is high, and then release the fluid from the tissues as the estrogen falls, effectively functioning as a tissue cleanse. However, the potential cost of using estrogens is high. It can include cancer of the breast, cervix, vagina, endometrium, and liver, as well as gallbladder disease, stroke and pulmonary embolism, and exacerbated migraines, asthma, epilepsy, heart disease, and kidney disease.

Perhaps it's better to listen to the body and simply sweat to relieve and prevent menopausal discomfort. It is also easier on the millions of pregnant horses that are immobilized and catheterized to collect their urine for the drug Premarin (Previously Mare Urine).

Clearly, women with menopausal problems need to examine their diet, along with the health and function of all their eliminatory organs. However, when we realize that menopause is not a disease, and that the body knows how to deal with disturbances to its equilibrium with mechanisms such as perspiring, understanding the cause of menopausal discomfort is really no sweat!

Sydney Ross Singer is a medical anthropologist and director of the Institute for the Study of Culturogenic Disease, located in Hawaii. His unique form of applied medical anthropology searches for the cultural/lifestyle causes of disease. His working assumption is that our bodies were made to be healthy, but our culture and the attitudes and behaviors it instills in us can get in the way of health. By eliminating these causes, the body is allowed to heal. Since most diseases of our time are caused by our culture/lifestyle, this approach has resulted in many original discoveries into the cause, and cure, of many common diseases. It also makes prevention possible by eliminating adverse lifestyle practices. Sydney works with his co-researcher and wife, Soma Grismaijer, and is the author of several groundbreaking health books.

Sydney's background includes a B.S. in biology from the University of Utah; an M.A. degree from Duke University in biochemistry and anthropology; 2 years of medical school training at UTMB at Galveston, along with Ph.D. training in medical humanities.

We discuss our research, along with other elimination issues, in our book, Get It Out! Eliminating the Cause of Diverticulitis, Kidney Stones, Bladder Infections, Prostate Enlargement, Menopausal Discomfort, Cervical Dysplasia, PMS, and More (ISCD Press, 2001). We also have Self Studies for people to try for themselves at our website, http://www.SelfStudyCenter.org

Sydney Ross Singer and Soma Grismaijer can be reached at the Institute for the Study of Culturogenic Disease, P.O. Box 1880, Pahoa, Hawaii 96778 (808) 935-5563. sydsinger@gmail.com

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 19 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Try These Effective Email Marketing Tips

Writing effective emails can make a significant difference in the results you get. A well written email can easily outperform an "average" email by 500% or more. If you want to maximize sales, you really want to spend a few extra minutes to create an effective email.

There are several key steps you need to take into account when you sit down to create an effective email marketing campaign.

The first is to be clear on your prospects "hot button" concerns. Not only do you need to understand what your prospect wants, you also need to deeply understand why they want it.

For example, say you are marketing a hot new stereo system for automobiles. You need to understand if your prospect is interested in your product because they are an audiophile and appreciate excellent sound quality. Or, perhaps your prospect is primarily motivated by getting the coolest neat equipment to impress his friends or prospective girlfriends.

The approach would clearly vary.

Once you have settled on just who you are trying to reach with your email and why you can begin to write.

Your initial objective is the get your prospect to actually open the email. If you have been doing a lot of mailing to your list, the first obstacle may be your own past emails. Were they all hype and sales? If so, the odds are that your prospective reader will be less likely to open your next one. So the takeaway here is that as part of any ongoing email campaign, you want to be sure to offer a good amount of good content, information etc, so the recipients are more likely to be willing to open your email.

That said, the key to getting your email opened is a strong and interesting title or subject line that grabs their attention and arouses their curiosity.

Generally these titles should be short. Ten words or less. They should not telegraph that you are selling something, but instead should be focused on the motivation behind the "hot button" as described above.

If your selling gold clubs to people who want to improve their golf score, a subject line like, "These Golf Clubs Will Shave 5 Strokes Off Your Score!"

A subject like that speaks directly to their hot button and their motivation. What is your prospect trying to accomplish? If you identified that as we suggested above, the writing of a compelling subject will come easily.

Once you get them to open the email, you need to make your case. But you case is not to get them to buy your Golf clubs, or stereo or what ever. The objective of the email is to get them to go to your sales page. That's where you will do your actual sales.

People are busy. They do not want to read a ton of stuff. Most have more email than they can shake a stick at and pretty much just browse to see what appeals to them.

Thus you want to keep the body of your email short. Generally between 3-5 paragraphs.

In doing so, you first want to connect with them on a personal level. You know their hot button, and used it in your title, now you need to build on that. "When I was first getting started in golf, I was using an inherited set of clubs that weren't right for me..."

Another key aspect of email marketing to a list is to always talk to individuals and not to your list. While people may understand that they are on a list, they really want to be addressed personally. So talk in terms of me to you, like you would in an email to your brother. Subconsciously, they will respond better.

Finally, tell them what you want them to do. Close with a call to action to click your link to take them to your sales page. Remember the goal of your email is not to sell them anything, other than to move to the page that will do the selling.

Follow these simple tips for writing effective emails and you will get significantly improved results.

For more tips effective email marketing grab a free copy of Profitable Email Copywriting, and for other internet marketing advice visit the authors blog at http://MicroBusinessSpecialist.com

วันเสาร์ที่ 18 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

How to Build a Working Trailer

The most aspects of a tailer are its axle, the suspensions, the frame, its capacity and the height. Here are the steps on how to build a trailer.

First cut and weld the main frame pieces. You will need a good saw for this. And an even better welder. The tools are extremely important for such projects. You will need the to be square and flat. Before proceeding check the shape and flatness. Without these key attributes there is no point in moving on.

The position of the axle is highly important. It really needs to be entered. That is a key factor. The tongue weight must be maximum 10% of the trailer's weight. This is to be calculated. Both the tongue and the axle need to be centered. The distance between all the wheels and the two needs to be perfectly equal. This is the most important part when building a trailer. Precision measurements are vital. All the next steps will be compromised unless you double check your calculations, measurements, cuts and welds. Use angle iron to build the vertical pieces for the back of your trailer. That is the most efficient way how to build a trailer. Unless you find these essential pieces don't move on. You must weld the pieces together. Finally add a gate. You need a gate to load your transport with ease. Besides the fine gate you will also need the lights. Lights are mandatory due to legal issues. But also are important for your safety. After all the back of your car will be replaced by the back of your trailer. Also you will want to paint your trailer.

Over all this is a very simple way how to build a trailer. Also, you will end up many times cheaper than buying everything from a shop.

Sturat is an article marketer, copywriter and enjoys writing on topics like how to build a trailer and how to build a trailer. For more information you can visit us.

วันอังคารที่ 14 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Yeast Infection - Itching and Burning, With Soreness Rolled in to One

Yeast infection, also known in a more technical term as candidiasis, is a kind of skin infection caused by the Candida species and affects different body part such as the vagina, the esophagus, the intestines, the urinary bladder, the navel and oral thrush or oral cavity. Treating yeast infection normally involves antifungal drugs. For instant relief, some home-made remedies may be applied, but it is best to consult a doctor for proper medical attention.

The signs of yeast infection basically include burning sensation, soreness and extreme itching for both men and women. For men, the head of the penis may have red patchy sores, while for women, the vagina might be irritated and they may also experience a vaginal discharge that is either whitish-gray or whitish. Other possible signs of yeast infection that affect both sexes may also include pain in the joints and in the abdominal area, painful urination and painful sexual intercourse. Yes, it indeed makes the infected individual to experience a lot of pain. Though some do not experience any symptom at all during the initial stage of the infection, indications of yeast infection will begin to manifest later. In addition to women, a beer-like or bread-like odor coming from the vagina might become noticeable.

As mentioned earlier, treating yeast infection with antifungal drugs are usually recommended by doctors. Treatments with antibiotics are also administered to patients, but do you know that yeast infection because of antibiotics is possible to occur? Yes, it is. When antibiotics are taken by an individual, sometimes it not only fight off those harmful bacteria in the body but may destroy those "good bacteria" present which the body needs for a stronger immune system. When the immune system is down or weakened, the body becomes more prone to catching diseases such as yeast infection. Cases of yeast infection because of antibiotics are not rare since numerous people who are into medications because of some existing illness are taking in antibiotics in large quantities daily. Chances of acquiring a yeast infection might be high.

On the whole, yeast infection cure includes over-the-counter drugs taken orally. Some forms of medications are usually applied in the genital area to reduce itchiness and soreness. Serious yeast infection cure is recommended for severe cases and is administered in a hospital and involves doctor-prescribed medications.

Although drugs can be effective many find that they do not cure a yeast infection and the problem may come back, surprising a natural treatment is available in the form of a guide which tells you exactly how to cure a yeast infection in as little as 12 hours. Many are considering this approach as one of the best forms of treatment, there's more information about this at Treatments for Yeast Infection.

To find more information please visit treating yeast infection

วันจันทร์ที่ 13 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Money Saving Tips During Recession

Money saving tips during recession is one of the hottest search queries these days. With cutbacks and lay-offs being common terms these days, people are seeking various ways to exercise control over their expenditure. Many people give up their pleasures of life to face such a situation. Instead of doing this, by adjusting and making a few changes in your expenses will surely help you achieve financial security.

This is time when you need to put all the money saving tips that you know of into practice. In order to save money, you must start off by cutting your credit card usage. We have a very bad habit of using credit cards for footing away each and every expense. It will not result in the increment of total accumulated debt but also give you tremendous stress to pay off the debt. In this time of recession, you must be ready for emergency situations like medical expenses. If you are trapped in vicious circle of debts, you won't be able to survive during the emergency situations. You must make sure that you do not spend money on unnecessary things. Cut down on withdrawing money from bank or ATM.

Rather then spending away money in debt, you can start saving money by applying for money saving. It is better to invest money in balanced funds or best debt funds so that your money stays safe and you get above average returns. Some of the other money saving tips includes investing in life insurance plans, mutual funds, equity funds, etc. Try to save on phone bills; if you love shopping you may try shopping online as online shopping websites offer attractive discounts. There are ample numbers of recession money saving tips you know by searching online or by talking to your financial advisor.

Sturat enjoys writing articles on topics like money saving tips and free money saving sites For more information, you may visit us.

วันเสาร์ที่ 11 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Take Your Goat's Temperature

Sometimes your goat may not behave normally, in such cases the first thing you need to do is to take its temperature as that is the first thing your vet may ask you when you call for a treatment. Even if your goat is not running of a high or low temperature, this would give a clue to your vet as to what the actual problem could be. The normal temperature of a Boer Goat is 101°F to 103°F in the winter, spring, and even during fall. It is usual that your goat may have been basking in the hot sun all day and having 104°F temperature, anyhow it needs to drop rapidly once the goat gets out of the sunlight.

Taking a goat's temperature is same as taking a temperature of human baby body. You can use both digital and traditional glass thermometers, which may range from $3 to $6. The glass thermometers have a comfort loop in the external end for attaching a string. You need to be careful while using it because it has more chances of breaking it. For baby Boer goats, the most comfortable position is to just lay them across your lap. Do not force the thermometer into a goat, it need to slide easily when lubricated. Lubricating the probe end with oil or petroleum jelly would help ease insertion into the rectum. The position of thermometer needs to be inserted to half its length and hold it in the place for a minimum of two minutes. Digital thermometers would give you an alarm when it is through.

For larger kids, it's good to have somebody else holding the Boer goat in a standing or reclined position as you can take its temperature. For adult Boer goats, particularly ones those are not very tame, it might be easier to secure them with a lead or collar and rope to a gatepost, you might even need somebody's help to steady them until you insert the thermometer and obtain its reading. If in case your Boer goat's temperature is very high, your vet might prescribe the injectable product Banamine to lessen the fever and pain. For baby Boer goats it is best to crush baby aspirin into a powder and mix with a little amount of water. This helps to lessen the choking factor of a dry pill. Its one best thing to fight with a high temperature, but it's essential that you find out the reason for fever. A familiar cause of very high temperatures is respiratory infections (sometimes pneumonia). If you desire to save your goat, you need to treat both the temperature and the infection. Some antibiotics are very much accessible across-the-counter's goat supply stores - the most frequently used products are oxytetracyline and penicillin. Some causes of infection need to be treated with more costly prescription antibiotics such as Nuflor or Naxel. It's best to ask your vet for the right product and amount of dosage rather than just to experiment with over-the-counter products. We cannot complete this article without mentioning two more things about goat's temperature. First is that the high fevers lead to dehydration. It's significant to manage electrolytes to keep the goat hydrated. Second, a Boer goat kid with high fever need to be taken off milk until the fever is cure, till then keeps your goat hydrated with electrolytes. Electrolytes are significant for organ and muscle function, blood flow, and the removal of fluid waste.


A thermometer needs to be cleaned properly with an alcohol wipe after each use and secured it in its case. Do not use a dirty thermometer - even if several goats look to be suffering from the same sort of problem. Don't make the error of inserting an unclean rectal thermometer into a doe's vagina. Thermometers need to be stored at room temperature. Glass thermometers should to be "shaken down" before and after each use. Digital thermometers need to be rearranged according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Asai is a copywriter of http://www.goatdealer.com/premium.html He had written various articles in different topics on Boer goats for sale. Contact him at asai.articles@gmail.com

วันอาทิตย์ที่ 5 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

IRA Investing in Real Estate - The Revolution to Retirement Planning

There has been a change or revolution, if you dare call it, taking place in the United States. What is it you ask? The use of IRA's for real estate investing. That's right, many people, especially baby-boomers, are no longer depending on traditional methods for investing their IRA's. The unpredictable and volatile stock market along with low paying mutual funds and CD's are no longer the main stream for retirement planning. IRA investing in real estate has quickly become the way to secure those future years of bliss! And for those individuals that have already lost so much, it may very well be the only way to stay afloat and pull their heads out of the sinking sand.

IRA real estate investing makes up for approximately 50% of the U.S.'s net worth per capita, and almost twice that much of wealth is acquired through real estate. But sadly enough, only a few percent of that is acquired from IRA investing in real estate. So why is it that so many people are still not using their IRA accounts for real estate investing? The raw simple fact is 'ignorance' (lack of knowledge) or self education. People are just not educated on the facts of IRA's and real estate investing. You would be amazed at how many CPA's still have no clue to the fact that their clients could be using IRA's for real estate investing and that it is actually 'legal'. Yes, that is right an individual can put their IRA into a 'self-directed' IRA and actually make the decisions themselves as to what happens to their retirement nest-egg. Of course you have to keep in mind that it takes a good CPA to help you keep those large profits. To do this many individuals use some form of business/company such as a corporation or LLC, but I can not, nor would I, attempt to advise anyone in this matter. You should consult your real estate attorney or CPA for further information and advice on this matter.

The catch to using an individuals IRA for real estate investing is that it is restricted for the sole purpose of investment only, but investments can be made in the U.S. as well as internationally. Did you know that IRA's used in real estate investing can get up to 70% bank non-recourse financing to purchase income-producing investment properties. Results have shown triple to quadruple return on investment on all-cash IRA investments in real estate.

For example let's imagine that you had a property on 'Land Contract' and put a future owner in it that will purchase the property from you in 12 months. Obviously dollar amounts, all time periods, and interest rate vary, but I'll use this for the sake of an example. The future owner gives you a non-refundable deposit of ($3,000) and make monthly interest rent payments of ($600). The new owner is responsible for all taxes and repairs. At the end of 12 months the future owner purchases the home for a profit of ($30,000). Now if you add that up for a 12 month period it was a ($3,000) deposit, ($7,200) total monthly payments, and ($30,000) cash-out for a total of ($40,200) interest profit in 12 months! Try to acquire that in one year using traditional methods. I have four words for you. NOT GOING TO HAPPEN!

It is easy to see why there is this revolutionary new way of investing taking place in the U.S., of using IRA's for real estate investing verses traditional methods. As an investor myself I have seen first hand the changes taking place and the opportunity at hand. The wealth to be made is amazing and retirements will be secured once again. And so I guess the question is; Are you one of those people? Are you financially prepared for your retirement future? Or are you one of those people who just want more and will not settle for less than the best? Which is great, don't get me wrong. The point is, why settle for less if you can have your dream and security all by using your IRA and investing in real estate. Or maybe your at that point and have little to no retirement. The new laws can help you as well. I have seen the changes the laws have made first hand in this business and there is hope.

By: Colleen K. Rich

Colleen K Rich is a real estate investor that partners with both private individuals and lending corporations to finance investment properties. Colleen also works with investment groups/teams [http://www.IRA-and-Investing.com] that offer services for IRA's, 401(K)'s, cash & other forms of investing, as to ensure that all may be educated and helped along in the process of retirement planning. The web site has valuable information and an E-book/special report, which can be sent to you upon request. Colleen K Rich can be reached at Investing4Retirement@gmail.com for further questions on retirement or cash/private money investing. You can find more articles related to this topic and author online. To find out more on how the power of leverage can work for you visit: [http://www.Retirement-and-Planning.com] or call 1-248-891-8339.